
Media by Denee Menghini
Media by Denee Menghini
Media by Denee Menghini

Written and media by Denee Menghini

Interterm is special.

I’m about to take part in the last interterm of my career as a Greenville College student and I still struggle at explaining it well to others.  It may seem like a fairly simple concept, a month devoted to the studies of one class, but after you experience a couple interterms you realize it is so much more extraordinary than that.

Nathan Hood getting baptized in Israel. Interterm 12. facebook.com
Nathan Hood getting baptized in Israel. Interterm 12. facebook.com

Perhaps it is the variety of ways you can spend these three weeks that adds to the mystique.  There really is no other time in a semester when you can take a juggling class for HPR credit.  You may be spending three hours a day learning the art of debate.  Maybe you are venturing into the world of psychology by way of cinema.  Or you could be spending eight hours a day traveling into East St. Louis to experience your first taste of the joys and exhaustion of teaching.

There are also many opportunities to take your education beyond the classrooms of GC.  You could hang out in Seattle with Dr. Joe and Rick McPeak venturing into the world of the church in the city.  You might be journeying to Israel to see the Holy Land.  You could be joining in the new Greenville tradition of serving and learning in Nicaragua.

No matter how you spend your time taking credits, there is always plenty of fun to be had during interterm. It is a month designated for honing your skills at “creating your own fun.”  Campus activities are minimal, just as it should be during interterm.  Instead the time can be passed paying attention to the relationships that may have gone unnoticed during the busy fall semester. Maybe you will binge watch an entire series on Netflix. Or simply indulge in late night McDonalds runs three times a week instead of the usual one.

The possibilities bound up in these next three weeks are endless. That’s why all of us here at the Papyrus

Last January's Nicaragua group. Interterm 13. facebook.com
Last January’s Nicaragua group. Interterm 13. facebook.com

thought it would be best if we practice what we preach. We will make this interterm one about community.  The idea is simple; let’s share the stories of our interterm. Lets tweet, post, and take pictures of all of the silly, crazy, mundane, and exciting things we do this month.

Connecting these experiences will be easy, just use the hashtag #IntertermIs. If you are really interested in sharing you can also tweet at @gcpapyrus or tag Greenville College Papyrus on Facebook.

So, join us.  Let’s write the story of this month together.



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