Increasing Productivity

Image by Baylen Whitfield

Written and Media by Baylen Whitfield.

Image by Baylen Whitfield
Image by Baylen Whitfield

We are all rich in possessing a valuable resource known as time. Everyone is given 24 hours in a day. Not one second more, not one second less. So, how is it that some people accomplish more than others when we are all given the same time frame? For example, some people have more obligations than others but manage to accomplish their given tasks. Certain jobs and lifestyle choices require a lot of hours but there are people who still manage to find time for family and leisure. How is this possible with only 24 hours in a day? The answer is productivity.

Here are five steps to maximize your productivity throughout the day:


  1. Minimize Interruptions

Identify your biggest interruption and figure out how to eliminate it. For example, if you know you’re not good at concentrating when studying, find a quiet place where you can focus. Any sort of pause can derail 25 minutes of productivity. Generally, the result is wasted hours of trying to get refocused. Get serious, seclude yourself in a quiet workspace, and work!


  1. Get Organized

A survey of U.S Office Professionals found that 66 percent of workers are spending close to 30 minutes every day looking for possessions they lost or misplaced. That’s 30 minutes that could’ve been spent doing something they enjoy. Maintaining upkeep and organization of items will decrease your chances of wasting time throughout the rest of your day.

  1. Plan In Advance

Image by Baylen Whitfield
Image by Baylen Whitfield

These days, our technological options provide a plethora of ways to help us plan out our day. Take advantage and invest in something like a Moleskine planner. Write things down, group them into similar tasks, and prioritize them based off of importance. Business and leadership coach, Brian Tracy, stated, “Every minute you spend planning saves ten minutes in execution; this gives you a 1,000 percent return on energy.” So, if you plan for 12 minutes at the start of your day, that could possibly save you two hours of execution later.


  1. Step Away from the Internet

Image by Baylen Whitfield
Image by Baylen Whitfield

Research shows that the average person spends one to 10 hours a day on the Internet. That’s literally one to 10 hours a person spends watching YouTube videos, updating their Facebook, tweeting , or liking Instagram photos when they could be increasing their productivity. Back away form the Internet, it might do you some good.


  1. Stop Multitasking

Many believe that multitasking is good because it saves time, which can be true for simple tasks. Generally, multitasking keeps you from being fully engaged with the tasks at hand. According to research, multitasking during important and difficult tasks takes a toll on our mental energy, which ultimately decreases productivity.



Following these steps as well as the steps in the YouTube video above might help you increase your productivity. I know I am much more productive when I put my phone down and stay away from the Internet. It allows me to get a lot more work done. If you apply any of these suggestions, you might find yourself having more free time throughout the day to do what you enjoy. Give it a try!



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