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Tag: art exhibition

These Guys: A Tribute to Guy Chase

Written by Carolyn Fairbanks. Digital Media by Jessica Sturgeon. The art department is paying tribute to former colleague and chair of the Art department with an art exhibition entitled These Guys: A Tribute to Guy Chase. “Guy Chase had a huge impact on the department at Greenville and a number of students, but he was also such a tremendous professional artist,” Professor Jake Amundson explains. The exhibition runs from March 6 to April 3 and consists of twenty-five professional artists and friends of Chase. Most of these artists are members of Christians in the Visual Arts (CIVA). “We have people here showing in New York City and are in major collections in LA and all over the world…these are top notch artists that recognize the greatest of somebody from Greenville,” Amundson says. These professionals got word of the alumni show Greenville wanted to do for Chase and volunteered to contribute to the show because of the impact he had on their lives. Artists included Tim Lowly, Catherine Prescott, Jeff Wetzig, and more. Greenville professors Jake Amundson, Rick McPeak, and Steve Heilmer also contributed art for the show. Next to some of the artwork are explanations of the impact Chase had in their lives and art. Steven Carrelli revealed that he only met Guy Chase once, but he “learned a great deal from him…in a way, his work and thought have been my studio companion for years.” Chase also had a clear impact on Amundson. “He’s one of the big reasons I came to Greenville,” he explains. “The way he works and the way he treats life and art and teaching…is something I’m trying to bring into my personal and professional life,” Amundson