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Tag: george clooney

Sucked in by “Gravity”

Gravity has been garnishing a lot of buzz lately. Whether it’s being the #1 movie in North America for the past 3 weekends in a row, or just simply having an amazing current percentage of 97 on rottentomatoes and 96 on metacritic, Gravity has been the center of attention for almost a month. Directed by Alfonso Cuarón (Great Expectations) the movie stars George Clooney (Batman & Robin, Return of the Killer Tomatoes!) and Sandra Bullock (All About Steve, Speed 2: Cruise Control, Premonition) as astronauts on a seemingly routine trip to fix something with a satellite. While finishing up, they are informed of an accidental destruction of a Russian satellite with debris orbiting faster than initially expected, and from this point on Murphy's Law seems to take over for the rest of the movie.