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Tag: minimum wage

If You Can’t Leave A Tip; Eat At Home

Written by Allison Perry. DM by Tawnie Kozora. Did you know restaurant servers are not paid minimum wage? That’s right! Because servers are intended to...

Minimum Wage

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, the federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. Illinois’ is $8.25 an hour, which is higher than higher than a lot of the states, but Washington is ahead, the minimum wage being $9.19 an hour! Of course it would be great to get paid almost $10 an hour, but I honestly feel that Illinois’ minimum wage is not bad at all, not saying it is great and should never consider changing. But after looking at Wyoming’s minimum wage, $5.15 an hour, Illinois does not seem so bad! And most of the states have similar minimum wages.

Government Involvement

Written by Casey Christianson. When it comes to government involvement in the economy, many politicians disagree on what the correct approach is. Some believe that...