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Tag: saint

Pope Francis Canonizes Junípero Serra

Written by Becca Oldham. Media by Andrea Martin. Pope Francis began his first trip to the United States on Sept. 22 when he arrived...

More Pros of the Con

This year, I again attended Wizard World’s Saint Louis Comic Con. This was their second year doing this, and it was a huge improvement from the year before. There were more celebrities, bigger panel rooms, bigger show room floor, more artists, and more comics. Of course, even though all of this was amazing, it seems what really made my weekend was one specific celebrity by the name of Manu Bennett.

Foundations of Christian Doctrine Class Trip to St. Meinrad’s

Written by Kyle Smith. This past weekend, a group of twenty-one students traveled with Dr. Hartley and Emily Bishop to spend a weekend at St. Meinrad’s...