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Tag: Sliding

Carving Concrete: Sidewalk Surfing

If you’ve ever head, “Watch out!” or “Excuse me!” yelled at you where shortly after someone went flying by on a longboard, you’ve probably seen one of the many longboarders that have surfaced in Greenville. While most people ride for fun, as a way to get from “point A” to “point B,” many others take longboarding as a sport. There are longboarding races all over the world, as well as trick competitions. There is a much larger number of longboarders at Greenville College this year, and these numbers have been growing over the past few years.

United Kingdom Shows Off, Builds Antarctic Base That Can Slide Around

by Matthew Harper. Media by Bobby Williams. “It’s 100 degrees below zero, I’ve listened to the same CD 15 times in a row, and everyone...