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Tag: Texas

CSquared: The Truth About the COVID Vaccine

0 Welcome back for another podcast by Caeden and Christina. In this podcast, we discuss the hot topic issue: the COVID-19 vaccine. We discuss personal...

The Perfect Sneaker Store: Heat on Feet Footwear

Are you looking to find the perfect sneaker but can't find a pair with a good price? Look no further: Heat on Feet Footwear...

Justin Willis: Student, Coach, or Both?

To be able to go from competing from the high school level to the collegiate level is amazing. However, going from a student of...

Texas Design Conference

The plane touched down Wednesday October 28th in Dallas, Texas. My legs felt a little bit like jello as I grabbed my luggage and headed out of the terminal. I had survived my first flight and was ready for an incredible experience in a new state. My advisor Deloy Cole, Papyrus editor Kaylee Summers, Social Media editor Madison Moran, The Vista editor Kirsten Norsworthy and I were ready to take over Texas. Our days were filled with adventure, food, music and retaining lots of information. This was an incredible experience that I was blessed to be a part of.

Texas Backpacking Trip

Who said Spring Break couldn't be full of surprises? (Actually, I have never heard anyone utter an opinion one way or the other on that subject -- just needed an attention-getting opener.) (It worked -- you're still reading.) Like other stories I've heard from fellow sojourners about their trips (or nontrips) over Spring Break, my Spring Break experience didn't exactly go according to plan. In fact, our backpacking adventure to Big Bend National Park in Texas unfolded much differently then our fearless leader, Dustin Fenton, and the rest of our band of merry hikers had anticipated. However, the trip proved to be an incredible experience despite the surprises. Though freezing temperatures, strong winds, a severe drought, and repeated warnings of mountain lions and bears tried to subdue us, we stood our ground and conquered the wilderness like seasoned explorers.

The Immigration Issue

Written by Dani Garcia.             The article The UndocuBus: Riding From Arizona to the DNC, Risking Deportation All the Way kind of inspired me and...