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Tag: zach bridier

Featuring your local Electronic DJ: Captive Portal??

Written by Austin Schumacher; Media by Michael Trieb. With the introduction of The Lab this year, I’ve started to see that there is a certain amount of interest in electronic music here on the GC campus. However, many of these talented artists are relatively unknown to the public. Therefore, in order to shed a bit more light on the subject, I was able to meet up with Zach Bridier (aka. “Electromatic” “Much,” “Sebon” or more recently “Captive Portal”). You can download his most recent Throwing EP for free. Zach is certainly a person who is not unfamiliar to the music scene and specifically electronic music. Having started working with basic loops in Junior High, he has been working on mastering his craft and creating his own sounds through high school and now in college. Using mostly programs like Pro Tools for tracking and mixing, he really doesn’t want to rely on just a computer for everything, but enjoys incorporating collaboration and real instruments and people into his mixes. Currently, he is splitting his focus between playing as the drummer for The Advocates, working as an audio engineer, and creating his newest project, Captive Portal.