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Tag: 2013

GC Panthers Battle Over Audience Hearts – Mr. Panther 2013

On October 16th, Ladue Auditorium was packed with an almost all female audience ready to see the crowning of the 2013 Mr. Panther. Eight male leaders on campus lined the stage intent on giving their best performance that would impress the audience and win over the judges. These handsome contestants were Mr. Res Life-Ben Linder, Mr. Connect 4-Caleb Hall, Mr. Soccer-Parker Wray, Mr. Mannoia-Tyler Wright, Mr. Chinese Student Association-Albert Lee, Mr. Agape- Adam Crouch, Mr. Improv-Andrew Perkett, and Mr. Education-Ross Baker.

4 Days of Homecoming Festivities, October 17-20

Written by Carla Morris. Media added by Sean McFarland. Four days of Panther pride and Homecoming celebration promise something for everyone – music, sports, class...

NBA All-Star Weekend: Painfully Boring

If you spent more than twenty minutes watching the venues of the NBA All-Star Weekend then you either have no idea when to turn off the television or enjoy inexplicable bouts of torturing boredom. If I were to describe the All-Star weekend in one word it would in fact be, boredom. What once was an attempt to maximize viewership over a three-day weekend event has now turned into one of the most disappointing sports venues in all professional sports. Let’s take a look at what makes the weekend painful to watch and who may be culpable for the corruption of what once was the most exciting weekend in sports.

World in Briefs 2.11.2013

Written by Kevin Dunne. Media by Bobby Williams. Germany If you find yourself struggling to come up with a romantic way to spend your Valentine’s Day,...

Top Ten Peculiarities to Watch in Superbowl XLVII

Written by Mike Ward, John Brittingham, and TJ Meredith.  Media by Mike Ward and Jeff Schaeffer. Mike: With a few days before the vaunted BaughBowl, BroBowl,...