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Tag: Africa

Agape House Partners with GSGA to Host 5K Run

Greenville Student Government Association (GSGA) partnered with AGAPE house on the morning of April 6 to host a 5K Run. GSGA works as a...

No Age Limits in the Mission Field

Written by Megan Burns. Media by Taylor Harpster. In 2012, a good friend of mine, at the age of fifteen, traveled with a group to...

Terrorism of Human Rights in South Sudan

Written by Rebecca Oldham. Media by Andrea Martin. Sudan has been in turmoil since South Sudan seceded in 2011, making South Sudan the youngest...

The U.S. Increases Response to Ebola Outbreak

Written by Alisha Klug, Media by Jack Wang On Tuesday, September 16, President Obama made an announcement declaring a “major increase” on the United States’...

Spotlight on Blood: Water Mission

It’s a global problem. However, in western culture, most people have access to the medical advances that can help combat this affliction. HIV/AIDS is impacting the entire continent of Africa in a terrible way and they don’t have all the resources, resources including clean water, to fight off the dangers of HIV/AIDS. But an organization arose called Blood: Water Mission in order to help African nations to work together to solve the HIV/AIDS and water crisis.

Go Travel! Go Serve! Go-ED!

Written by Carolyn Fairbanks. Digital Media by Jessica Sturgeon. Ever thought about spending a semester abroad? Maybe you’ve been interested, but have no idea what programs are out there, if your major will let you, or if it’s your calling, you know, the usual over thinking. Thankfully, there's a solution to this problem. Go-ED is a semester long program that can help you answer some of those questions.

Growing Concerns over Mali Terrorism

Written by Matthew Harper. After Islamic radicals began to push southward in Mali, France intervened with military force last Friday. The French defended the military action, claiming that they were worried the terrorists would march on Bamako, the capital of Mali, which could create a wide security threat for much of the region. Now, half a week after France’s initial involvement, the UN has come out in support, and it looks as though the United States might get involved as well.