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Tag: C.S. Lewis

Let God Handle that and just Breathe

Do you feel tired? Do classes seem to be hard to catch up? Do you want to crawl to bed and never leave? Well,...

Is Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis Actually Mere?

Overview: Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis presents the religion that is Christianity in the most unbiased, straightforward, and simple way possible. Told from a former...

Love Your Enemy: Why I am a Pacifist

n his 2011 Society of Vineyard Scholars presentation, Jev Forsberg states that “the topic of violence has been on the minds and in the hearts of Christ-followers since the climactic birth of the Christian movement: the violent death of Christ on a Roman cross.”

(Un)Holy Things: Sin

Derived from the Latin word for guilt or guiltiness, sin is an unavoidable human condition. In the Genesis creation stories, humanity is depicted as to have right and personal relations with God. However, within the Adam and Eve narrative, arises humanity’s first sin. Commonly referred as original sin, humanity’s first sin speaks to ones inability to fully trust God and to confess for previous wrongdoings. Consequently, mankind seeks wordly wisdom away from God, but neglects to realize that all wisdom comes from God. Thus, in the wake of original sin man has the autonomy he has sought, but not the perspective or Godly wisdom to grasp it fully. Therefore, sin is not only an act, but also a state or barrier that needs to be overcome.