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Tag: Congress

Joint Action Necessary to Subdue Syria

Much of the news coverage recently has centered on the attack in Damascus, Syria and the action that will be taken by other nations as a result of the violence. The spotlight has been on President Barack Obama as he has been traveling, making speeches, and trying to gain support to take action against Syria. He says the world needs to know that no one can simply get away with breaking “international norms.”

Senate Committee Approves Resolution for Syria Attack

Written by Andrew Baugh & media by Michael Courtney On Wednesday, September 4th, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved a resolution allowing President Obama to utilize a military strike on the country of Syria after reports of the government’s use of chemical weapons on civilians. The opinions of the senators were split with a final 10-7 vote, with both bipartisan support and resistance to the proposed strike (BBC).

Libertarians: Crusaders For Freedom or Crazy Idealists?

Written by Ethan Ford. If you are like me and spend any amount of time paying attention to American politics, you might understand when I...