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Tag: family

Social Anxiety and College Life

College can be a beautiful thing, but it can also be filled with enormous amounts of stress and anxiety. Young adults pack up their belongings, say goodbye to their loved ones and head off to start a new chapter in their lives. The first day of college is filled with meeting new people, trying to figure out where buildings are and realizing that a majority of your time will be spent doing homework. Here are some helpful tips to get you focused and excited for the school year ahead.

5 Things You Need To Know About Being a Student Athlete...

Written by Tymber Gabbert. Media by Matt Miller. Student athletes make up just about half of the student population at Greenville College. There are many...

Diary of the Legacy: The Maurer’s

There are many connections throughout the school of Greenville and throughout the town of Greenville, which make it easy to meet people and connect with them on a unique level. You all of a sudden share a bond with people who knew your past family members. They all have stories to share about GC and how it has changed over the years, and you begin to appreciate the way Greenville College has changed and adapted to the times. The people who know your family members are always eager to share many stories about them, helping you better understand the person they are today.


The Features writers are so excited to have the opportunity to work together to tell you all about a classic holiday tradition. Shopping. The good, the bad, and the ugly, we've covered all parts of the holiday we've unofficially named "Thankshopping."