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Tag: Good Friday

The Holy of Holies: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

“Hoka Hey,” or “today is a good day to die”, is a phrase derived from the Lakota Indian tribe. This phrase, yelled by Lakota warriors riding into battle, typically connotes that if one dies, he can die peacefully because he has done everything in his ability to live through the battle and to see the next day. Consequently, death no longer fills the warriors with fear—quite the affect of a two-word phrase.

Easter: What it Means to Us

To Christians, Easter is a time where we happily reflect on the death and resurrection of Jesus. Without this history-changing, earth shattering (literally) moment in time, we would not be able to call ourselves Christians. Leading up to this momentous day, Jesus partook in the Jewish holiday of Passover on the night of the infamous Last Supper.