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Why You Should go on​ Greenville University’s Walkabout Trip

Yearly, Greenville University requires all Resident Chaplins (RCs) and Student Government Association members to go on a journey in the Smoky Mountains called “Walkabout”....

Intelligent Design Colloquium

Written by Krissy Chapman. Media by Kat Kelley. The Greenville Religion and Science Society (GRASS) sponsored a colloquium this past Wednesday, May 1, with author and noted speaker, Dr. Jack Collins. Dr. Collins, author of Science and Faith: Friends or Foes?, presented the topic ‘Is Intelligent Design Bad Theology?’ to Greenville College students and faculty. Dr. Collins is a professor of Old Testament at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. He went to MIT for his B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science and Systems Engineering, as well as Faith Lutheran Seminary for his M.Div., and the University of Liverpool for a Ph.D. in Hebrew linguistics. In addition to his many years of study, Dr. Collins has authored numerous books studying the creation story in Genesis.