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Tag: lost

Shtuff Cubed Podcast #12: Getting a Job!

The boys talk about the 5 things you need to get a job, marketing yourself, and networking! And a fair mention of the missing...

Adam and Jake Homework Break Episode 13 – Lost Puss In...

In this podcast, Adam and Jake talk about their spring breaks, new Papyrus articles and the weird news which includes satan looking like Obama and a movie-esque prison escape. Also, they are going to lose a Puss in Boots toy.

Californian Couple Missing in Peru… or are they?

Garrett Hand and Jamie Neal of Oakland, California were on a biking trip of the South American country when their families last heard from them on Jan. 25, at which point they were on their way to Lima. Since then, there has been only silence. At least, that was the case until Feb. 27, when reports started circulating that the couple had been spotted on a river boat headed for Ecuador. According to Reuters, the Peruvian government released a statement that the couple was not only just fine, but that they were “surprised to hear that they were the subject of an international search.” The statement goes on to say that the two are continuing to enjoy their trek through the Peruvian Amazon.