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Tag: Papyrus Reviews

Papyrus Reviews: BROCKHAMPTON’s Iridescence

America’s favorite boy-band BROCKHAMPTON was busy last year. With three albums, world tours, and critical acclaim, it's no wonder the group has become a widespread...

Papyrus Reviews: Hilda

I only recently heard of this new show on Netflix. I saw a bit of the trailer, though I never clicked on it to...

Papyrus Reviews: Venom

I’ve never been a huge fan of the DC and Marvel films. I can always sit down and enjoy a good action movie but...

Papyrus Reviews: Rivals of Aether

In 1999, Nintendo released Super Smash Bros 64 to wild success. The game sold over 5 million copies worldwide and founded a new subgenre...

Papyrus Reviews: “Bloody Rose” by Nicholas Eames

I’m not one to take chances on books. I read stuff that English teachers like. Maybe a best-seller once in a while, but while...

Papyrus Reviews: Eminem’s “Kamikaze”

After a surprise release, Eminem’s 13 track album, “Kamikaze” races to the top of charts. Despite its success on the charts, critics have been...