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Tag: Pearls

Clothing your Character: Pearls

For centuries, people have used pearls for accessorizing and ornamentation. In fact, they have held the status of 'prized jewel' centuries before cut stones gained popularity. Although other stones require mining, cutting, and polishing, the pearl possesses natural beauty that requires no extra work. A large part of the pearl’s appeal rests in its natural origins. Unlike other precious gems, they come from a living animal, a mollusk. Created by a random process of nature, they carry a sense of mystery and wonder. While today we often consider them a commonplace accessory, they held a much higher status in the ancient world. Throughout history, a natural pearl necklace made up of matching spheres was a treasure of almost incomparable value. These natural gems were first discovered in The Arabian Gulf and it remained their main source for centuries. In fact, seventy to eighty percent of all pearls came from the Gulf until the 1950s. Before the creation of cultured pearls in the 1900s, only the noble and rich could obtain these rare gems.