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Tag: photoshop

A Better Understanding of Digital Manipulation

Written by Kristyn Ewing. Media by Sara Dawson. With power comes great responsibility. We as humans have created a program with the intentions that it...

Digital Manipulation: How Much Is Too Much?

Written by Baylen Whitfield. Media by Baylen Whitfield. Can we believe anything we see with our own eyes anymore? Digital manipulation occurs often in this...

Texas Design Conference

The plane touched down Wednesday October 28th in Dallas, Texas. My legs felt a little bit like jello as I grabbed my luggage and headed out of the terminal. I had survived my first flight and was ready for an incredible experience in a new state. My advisor Deloy Cole, Papyrus editor Kaylee Summers, Social Media editor Madison Moran, The Vista editor Kirsten Norsworthy and I were ready to take over Texas. Our days were filled with adventure, food, music and retaining lots of information. This was an incredible experience that I was blessed to be a part of.

Ten Things Being a Digital Media Major Taught Me

Digital Media is an awesome major that Greenville College offers. This major allows us to think creatively and allows our ideas and concepts to be brought to life through photography, video, graphic design, web and many more. So far, I've learned a lot about time management and want to share my thoughts and helpful tips on how to make the most of being a Digital Media major.