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Tag: plane

World in Briefs (10.02.13)

United States If King Kong has taught us anything, it’s that male gorillas do not know how to positively treat the other gender. Sure, climbing a skyscraper while holding a woman seems like a good idea in theory; it’s actually a pretty bad plan. Patrick the gorilla is just like King Kong, but smaller and a jerk. After biting a female gorilla and sneering at others, this Dallas Zoo primate is being sent to South Carolina for therapy. He’ll live comfortably in his own place and bring enjoyment to the crowds that come to visit him. "He's beautiful and smart and everyone loves him," said Laurie Holloway, a spokeswoman for the Dallas Zoo. "We're really sad to see him go but it's for the best for the zoo and for Patrick." His old space will be used to bring in two new gorillas, including Zola, a break-dancing gorilla. This is some serious monkey business.

World in Briefs (09.24.13)

United States When one is in the middle of a crime, the last thing they want is to be caught with their pants down. Anthony Jason Garcia can attest to this after a botched robbery attempt of a church gift shop in Orlando, California. After praying in the sanctuary of the church, Garcia headed toward the gift shop, grabbed the cash register, and bolted. Unfortunately for him, church maintenance director Joe Larkin was in hot pursuit. As the chase continued, Garcia’s pants did not want to be seen as an accomplice and decided to fall.