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Tag: st louis

Urban Plunge

This past weekend was Urban Plunge, a 24-hour mission trip to St. Louis. The students who attended had the privilege of riding down to St. Louis on Friday night and staying in the Hampton Inn by Forest Park. We made the decision to arrive on Friday night because we had to be at the organization extremely early Saturday morning. At the hotel that night, we watched the movie To Save a Life and had a discussion afterwards about the implications of the movie—taking responsibility for one’s actions within the scope of God’s converting grace. If you have not seen the movie, it is a fictional movie about one boy’s journey to Christ after his childhood best friend commits suicide.

Beyond the Bachelor’s – Rachel Dothager

This week's alumni spotlight falls on 2011 Greenville graduate Rachel Dothager. Rachel took full advantage of her Greenville experience by participating in a variety of organizations, clubs, and trips. In the interview below, Rachel shares some of her experiences from the past few years. Rachel will be speaking this Thursday at Vespers. The Papyrus thanks Rachel for engaging with us as we go beyond the bachelors.

Papyrus Goes to St. Louis

Written by Kevin Dunne. Media by Jessica Sturgeon. On Friday, the 19th, which was a particularly windy day, a group of Greenville College students took a shuttler down to St. Louis. The group was composed of various members of the Papyrus staff, Vista staff, digital media majors, as well as professors Deloy Cole and Jessa Wilcoxen. Our two major stops were at the Beacon and Riverfront Times, two different newspapers. As a journalist and co-editor of the Papyrus, I found the experience to be especially enlightening and informative. The Beacon was an impressive and very professional looking building, and the folks there were very receptive. Born from the ashes of another newsroom, the Beacon was formed 5 years ago and consists of 20 staff members, 15 of which are journalists. The Editor, Margaret Wolf Freivogel, informed us that the Beacon was aimed at creating, “a better St. Louis powered by journalism” and sought to give residents a better, “understanding of the problems, opportunities, etc.” in the area. This means that the Beacon focuses on the arts, sciences, and political matters, both globally and locally, which I thought was interesting. The problem, which persists for any news organization, is that of originality. By relating issues, be they local or nation-wide, to the city, the Beacon has created a fresh and crisp perspective on matters. They also seek to go beyond the means of online journalism. Through e-books, reprints of online articles, various social media sites, the Missouri History Museum, and the radio, the Beacon has created a wide target audience. Further, Margaret Wolf Freivogel said that the audience they seek is, “psychographic over demographic,” meaning that the articles, at their core, are geared towards those who are concerned with the future of the St. Louis region.

Beyond the Bachelors: The Tara Wepking Story

Article by Tara Wepking (Previous Papyrus Editor-in-Chief).  Media by Michael Trieb In that final semester before graduation this past May, I was all about making...