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Tag: violence

As Christians, Is It Selfish to Not Watch the News?

Day by day the world is saturated with a lot of bad news, wars, earthquakes, fires, genocides, etc. And several spectators say that they...

Deadpool Movie Review

Written by Erin Lobner. Media by Courtney Murphy.   Last weekend I finally got around to seeing “Deadpool.” It had emotion, humor and certainly action. Ryan...

Black Friday

With Thanksgiving just a few days away, people are probably getting pretty excited – for some time off of work and school, delicious food (and lots of it), football, and an early start on some Christmas gift shopping. Black Friday is just around the corner, coming with the promise of good deals, long check-out lines, huge crowds, and possibly injuries and violence. Spending less money is a good thing, but at what point will we stop and wonder if it is worth the Black Friday chaos?

Virtual Violence

Children can be very easily influenced to do good and bad things, but video games alone don’t make children violent or lead them to turn to crime later on in life.For a child to become so violent and dangerous, they would have to witness it firsthand, e.i their parents or their peers. Babies and little kids are pure and don’t know right from wrong, as they get a little older, they do learn and grow a lot, but I don’t feel that kind of evil is in them, and it’s a little hard to believe playing a shooting game every weekend will send them over the edge.

Joint Action Necessary to Subdue Syria

Much of the news coverage recently has centered on the attack in Damascus, Syria and the action that will be taken by other nations as a result of the violence. The spotlight has been on President Barack Obama as he has been traveling, making speeches, and trying to gain support to take action against Syria. He says the world needs to know that no one can simply get away with breaking “international norms.”

Drug-Related Violence in Mexico on the Rise

Written by Kevin Dunne. In a series of tragic events, eleven months after her term as mayor of Tiquicheo, Mexico ended, Maria Santos Gorrostieta’s body...