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Tag: Wesleyan Quadrilateral

Love Your Enemy: Why I am a Pacifist

n his 2011 Society of Vineyard Scholars presentation, Jev Forsberg states that “the topic of violence has been on the minds and in the hearts of Christ-followers since the climactic birth of the Christian movement: the violent death of Christ on a Roman cross.”

Theology: Why You’re a Theologian

Derived from the Greek words theos (God) and logos (words), theology quite literally means ‘to speak of God’. In Kelly Kapic’s work, A Little Book for New Theologians, he highlights how all who speak of God are consequently doing theology. Hence, contrary to Christian historic perception, theology is not a word designated just for those in scholasticism or academia, but also the common place. However, it is imperative to point out how the word theology has taken on its own life within the history of Christianity. Throughout Church history there have been multiple attempts to fully define theology.