Can TikTok Gap the Generations?

Media by Frances Trujillo.

Nathan Apodaca, known as 420doggface208 on TikTok, is a thirty-seven year-old father of two daughters, Angelia Apodaca and Makyla Apodaca, who are the true energizers behind their dad’s TikTok love. Apodaca, a now well-known social media star from Idaho Falls, Idaho, decided to create a TikTok video one morning after his SUV broke down on his way to work. Apodaca, not wanting to flag anyone down for help, took a skateboard he had in his SUV along with his favorite Ocean Spray Cran-Raspberry juice and his phone, and with those things in hand, he headed down the highway. Taking his positive outlook on what most people would call a bad day, he skimmed through TikTok, finding the perfect song to start his journey to the local potato warehouse where he works. Drinking his favorite juice and skating boarding, he started listening and lip-syncing to the legendary 1977 Fleetwood Mac song “Dreams.

Apodaca had no idea that after uploading his video, it would go viral in hours and eventually be viewed 60 million times to date. Not only was he surprised, but Fleetwood Mac was blown away. Their once hit single “Dreams ” smashed the charts, putting it back on the Billboard charts and tripling its sales.

Apodaca didn’t just use TikTok as a way to connect him with his two young teenage daughters, but on that morning, he gave the world a new perspective on obstacles. He used it to inspire people during a world pandemic, whether he knew it or not. He joined the young generation with a classic tune from 1977, and he inspired older generations to believe that life is what we make it, even with the challenges in 2020. Finding little things like riding your skateboard, possibly drinking your favorite juice, and listening to a good song that help us find joy in life.

Life is about creating moments that bring laughter, joy, positivity, and unity, even in bad times. TikTok has definitely been a platform that joins the generations. The app promotes creative self-expression that celebrates moments of joy. By expressing our emotions with our talents and unique creativity, we can generate positivity for generations to come.

Below are several examples of how TikTok can be used to bridge gap between the generations in order to create joyful and fun moments with children, family, or friends. So be happy and create joy and laughter with the ones you love because in the end, it’s all about bringing generations together and laughing.

Life is about creating moments that bring laughter, joy, positivity, and unity, even in bad times. TikTok has definitely been a platform that joins the generations. By using creative self-expression to celebrate moments of joy, creators are able to express emotions through their talents and unique creativity, creating enjoyment for generations to come.

Above are several examples of how TikTok can be used to bridge the generations to create joyful, fun moments with your children, family, or friends. So be happy and create joy and laughter with the ones you love because in the end, it’s all about bringing generations together and laughing.

Times might change, but moments created never do.

Media by Frances Trujillo.



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