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Tag: plays

Singin’ in the Theatre: A Preview of Company

Written by Zack Silvas. Media by Ashley Chaney. The Factory Theatre has hosted many good productions in the past. From Romeo and Juliet to The...

Twitch Plays Pokemon: Creating Another Internet Sub-Culture

Pokemon. The game that most of us grew up playing, loving, catching and battling. A game that made children smile and overly religious parents freak out. The game that defined a generation. And a franchise that has sold over 245 million copies absolutely refuses to die. The latest release from the series were the Critically acclaimed Pokemon X & Y, but it was Pokemon Red that takes the spotlight today.

The Normal Heart

"I'll agree to the fact that I have any number of awful character traits. But not to the fact that whatever they did to us as kids automatically made me sick and gay while you stayed straight and healthy." Welcome to The Normal Heart. When I left my faculty position at Greenville College last year to pursue an MFA in stage management from the University of Illinois, I already knew 3 things: 1. I was ridiculously blessed by this opportunity, 2. my faith was one of the few things unwelcome in the theatre world, and 3. I would be working on The Normal Heart. What I didn't expect was that I would have my faith both challenged and strengthened while working on The Normal Heart, nor that I would walk away completely captivated by the story and truth of the show. In the midst of the 80s AIDS crisis, a love story between 2 gay men, and playwright Larry Kramer's angry railings against everyone imaginable - the straight world, the gay world, Christians, non-Christians, the rich, the government, etc. - lives The Normal Heart. And it is tragic. And beautiful.

One Act Plays

The Factory Theatre will be putting on a set of one act comedies Friday and Saturday December 7 and 8. These student-directed shows will...