GC Speaks: Second Edition

Welcome to the 2nd issue of GC Speaks!

This is where we ask the questions and YOU get to see what your fellow students had to say.

With recent news of Disney’s deal of the decade, what are your thoughts on the proposed remake and extension of Star Wars?

Here’s what they had to say:

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Jaime Bruder (Sr.)

“I say why not?!”


Joelle Scholten (Soph.)

“I think that [Spielberg] did a great job of creating a prelude to the original movies.  Obviously, it was slightly predictable toward the end, but I feel that he created enough plot that made it just as interesting as the original.”


Ethan Ford (sr.)

“If it’s about the new trilogy (7-9), I’m okay with it because I think they can do a good job with it.  Plus it’s not like they’re going to ruin the franchise after the prequel trilogy fiasco.  If we’re talking about a remake of four through six, I’d say I’m not a fan of the idea.  There is no reason to do that and I’d rather see new Star Wars movies than remakes of old ones.”


Brittany Foy 

“I don’t think the originals should be remade.  It will take away from what Star Wars is.”


Mark Lamb

(Not Pictured)

“I think it’s a horrible idea.  I’d rather see new movies than remakes of classics.  Especially ones Lucas has already ruined.”


Have a question you’d like to see on GC Speaks? Like us on Facebook and leave a comment on our page and your question could be featured in the next edition of GC Speaks.

(All photos by Greenville.Edu)


  1. The idea of remaking the original trilogy is just wrong in any artistic way and just not a smart move for Disney, people hated the digitally remastered versions of those three. New movies, however, will be amazing

  2. There is no proposed remake of Star Wars. At all. It has never been discussed. Disney purchased LucasFilm, but Kathleen Kennedy, Lucas’ right-hand woman, is still in charge. They will be making a new trilogy, Episodes VII, VIII, and IX. I don’t know who was responsible for this edition of GC Speaks, but they asked people a factually inaccurate question, which led to even more ludicrously inaccurate answers (such as the implication that Steven Spielberg had something to do with the atrocious prequel trilogy, which is laughably untrue).

    So, fret not, readers, there is not going to be a remake. A new trilogy (with an incredible writer in Michael Arndt, by the way, who is not only a talented screenwriter but also a Star Wars diehard) is on the way, and hopes are and should continue to be high. It’s literally not even on the table for there to be a remake or even a reboot. I have no idea what happened with this article, but it’s headache-inducing.


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