Does GPA Matter?

graphic by: Kayla Morton

Written by Leanna Westerhof. Media by Kayla Morton.

GPA chart
source: GPA calculator

Many students wonder, will GPA matter after graduation? Do employers really look at GPA? Unfortunately, there is no clear cut answer to help alleviate the stress students feel trying to maintain grades. The importance of GPA could depend on the field you are going into or if graduate school is the next step. However, GPA is not necessarily the most important factor when employers are looking to hire. 

According to an article from Forbes, employers expect your GPA to be on your job application and GPA does help your case when looking for a job. Having your GPA on your resume helps employers make some initial assumptions about you. Those assumptions include that you are competent, able to learn, take in information and are a hard worker. 

Employers use GPA as an initial screening when thousands of applicants apply for a job. Having a good GPA may get you in the door, but having a good GPA won’t guarantee you the job. So, if your GPA is lower, all is not lost. You can build up your resume without a great GPA. For example, job experience can be more important than your GPA if your employer sees you have more job experience than other candidates.

power pose
photo by: Kayla Morton

Proprietors want competent workers who know how to do the job. They also want people who have participated in extracurricular activities, have leadership experience or have overcome obstacles and turned the situation to their advantage.

Having a good interview is an important aspect of the job application process. Practice interviewing with friends or family in preparation. This will help you figure out your strengths and market them to your advantage. 

Networking is also a major advantage in the job market and will help you immensely. It really is all about the people you know. Attending job fairs is a major networking tool in your arsenal you want to take advantage of while in college. It can be helpful to meet your possible future employer in person and make a good impression. 

If you need help finding a job or internship, building your resume or you need interview tips, take advantage of Greenville College’s Office of Career Services. Also, watch this TED talk to see how your body language can help you during interviews and help you achieve success in your life.



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