A Gospel Lovin’ Campus

GospelFest 2017 Source: Greenville.edu

Written by Paige Stanley. Media by Ethan Maurer.

One of the great things about attending Greenville University is the fact we can come together and worship God. GospelFest allows us to do exactly that. Every year for the past three years, Greenville University has had multiple St. Louis artists to come and lead a night of worship for the students, faculty, and even the community. On November 3, students joined together in Whitlock Music Center for a few hours of fun and intimate time with God.

Lloyd Nicks
Source: Ethan Maurer

Performers this year included Living the Word Church Choir, Steward Stiles, Dana Smith, Rio, Sherman Andrus, and Lloyd Nicks. Many might not know these artists well, but if you attended Gospel Fest, you definitely know them now and will not forget them. There were many people that are huge fans of one or more of these artists and made sure they came to hear them perform. One person who felt this way was Nate Wieland. His favorite performer was Lloyd Nicks. “I’ve been a fan of his since last year’s Gospel Fest when he performed and thought he did a great job again this year.” He also commented on the atmosphere, which he enjoyed a great deal. “The atmosphere was really fun. Everybody was singing, dancing, laughing, and having a good time.” Gospel Fest is one of Nate’s favorite events of the year. “It is a great opportunity to celebrate God in new ways with new people.”

Michael Gonzalez agreed and thought the event was a great time. “I really like how the audience was included. Also, how it was a smooth transition between performances.” It is small factors like this that can make a good show into a great one. It can be hard to keep college students entertained, but everyone did a great job at keeping the crowd happy.

Sherman Andrus
Source: NewReleaseToday

Bre Pollitt was another student that was super happy with the experience of Gospel Fest. “Everyone there came to give praises to God, and it was awesome to see the different ways people do that. A lot of students were dancing and singing along with the music, which made the atmosphere a lot of fun.” A great thing about GU is that students and faculty are so free to worship God however they please. So it is not strange to see people dancing with joy to show the Lord how much they love Him. “My favorite performer was the cute little old man in the red suit (Sherman Andrus). He was so nice and he had the best dance moves.” It is great to have so many different performers so that the audience could get a different style each time, piquing the interest of many different types of people. “It’s a very different style of worship than what I’ve grown up with, and it’s great being able to experience something like this.”

Greenville University students and faculty love having Gospel Fest once a year and hope that it sticks around for a long time. Like Nate, it is many students’ favorite event of the year. Never take for granted a school where you can freely love and worship God!


  1. Brothers and sisters, it was good to sing Jesus’ Name and worship with you this morning from Budapest. Thank you for posting and thank you for loving Jesus deeply. Love you, Greenville University community.


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