My College Journey and Goodbye

Heather Lawrence Source: Ethan Maurer

Written by Heather Lawrence. Media by Ethan Maurer.

As I think about graduation coming up, the more things I know I will miss as soon as I leave the university. Once you hit your senior year, you can never believe how fast the time has flown by. Personally, I still cannot believe that my two years at Greenville University have already gone by and it is almost time for me to leave and enter the real world. I know that it can be terrifying, but I want to tell about my experience of being in college and what it is like in the mind of a senior in their last semester of college.

Heather found her passion in Digital Media here at Greenville.
Source: Ethan Maurer

When I first started college, I was fresh out of high school and did not know what to expect. If you know me, then you know that now I am a Digital Media Major. However, I was not when I started college. Originally I was an elementary education major and I will explain very shortly as to why I decided to change it. I loved to work with kids and wanted to help them grow and learn as they move up in grades. I went to Lake Land College in Mattoon, IL and I managed to get my Associate’s in Science Degree for Elementary Education. When I was in my final semester there, I had to choose the next phase of my life and that was to find another college to go and finish up my major. I will admit that Greenville College, University now, was not my first choice. After a while though, I felt as if God was putting it on my heart to try and apply for it. After all, I have heard many great things about the campus itself to the community. I applied my sophomore year of college and February of 2016, I got the call saying that I was accepted. I was so excited that I applied and with a month or two and Greenville had gotten back to me about my acceptance.

A piece from Heather’s magazine for independent study.
Source: Heather Lawrence

The transition from a small community college to a big four-year university seemed terrifying to me. I did not know how it was going to be to live on a college campus. I had always commuted to my previous college, and I was a little hesitant to live in the dorms. However, I packed all the items that I thought I would need and headed to Greenville College in August of 2016. I was scared at first because I did not know how to soak in everything that was going to be around me for the next two years.

As the first year went by, however, I was enjoying the life on campus. I got to meet so many new people that I am proud to now call my friends. Remember earlier when I said that I swapped majors? Yeah, this was where I did that. In the spring semester of 2017, I finally decided that I needed to declare my official major moving into my senior year. There were so many obstacles preventing me to continue on in my elementary education. When I was in high school, I developed a love for photography and design, but mostly for photography. So after Lake Land, I decided to actually go toward my next passion by pursuing a major in Digital Media.

Two years have gone by, and I am happy that I chose this path in my life. Since I chose this path, I have met so many great friends inside and outside of my major. I feel as though I would not have met my new best friends, Kristyn and Maggie if I was still an Elementary Education Major. Now that graduation is only a month away, I am going to find it hard to say goodbye to everyone that I have formed friendships with. I know that a goodbye is not really goodbye and I know I will always keep in touch with them. What hurts me a little is that I will not get to see all of my friends every day like I am used to. As the end of the year approaches, I am truly dreading it. However, even though I will no longer see my friends on a daily basis, I will always have the memories with me.


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