Hope In The Midst of Death

media by victoria fisher

In a time of celebration and family, this point in the year should be a time laughter and joy. So why is it that around the holidays our loved ones seem to pass away? Everything becomes a tornado of emotions as we deal with death and try to continue on. Then we get the call ripping into our hearts that another dear person in our life has passed as well. This month of November I have had six beautiful souls in my life leave my side. Life has not been too “holly jolly” for myself or the people surrounding me. Death and chaos have a way of taking a toll on our mental and physical health, causing us to become a stranger to those who are left by our side to show us love. 

Death is a type of pain no one can describe. It is so heart wrenching it tears into your soul and lets the brokenness escape. It’s also one of the only things in this world that opens our eyes to see the bigger picture of just how small and momentary we are. However, with a world full of so much brokenness and death how can one say God is good? How can we put our trust in Him when there is so much sorrow into our hearts? If He is suppose to care for us then why would He let one terrible thing happen after another? Where is the pot at the end of the rainbow, the snow on Christmas morning, and the light at the end of the tunnel? 

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There are so many questions left to be asked and most all of them cannot be answered but by Jesus, Himself. Lifting up our fears and hurts to Jesus ensures a listening ear and a hand to hold. Psalm 34:17-18 says, “The Righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Even in a time of loss, it’s unbelievably beautiful how God sends an urgent amount of strength and sense of presence. 

Death is a mystery for those of us still breathing on this earth. It’s a fearful thought and image, but I don’t think Jesus meant for it to be this way. Yes it’s a time of sorrow and grief, but we should trust that those who are His are no longer suffering but have finally reached home.    

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The moment we die we transition from life on earth to our eternal home. We take up all our life’s moments as we give ourselves to our Creator. John 14:3 says, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.” Jesus ensures us that He is with us with open arms even during the hardest moments. When our last earthly breath is about to be taken I believe Jesus comes, puts His arms around us, and says with a smile, “Time to come home.” After all these are Jesus’ words. 

It’s easier to turn a cheek away from the one who created us and harder to turn it towards Him. There is no easy way to deal with the loss of a loved one if we have no hope in anything eternal. It’s easy to cling to the things of this world for comfort during this time, but nothing can fill that void or answer those questions. This world offers us nothing, but Jesus can offer us everything. Calling upon the name of the Lord gives us a sense of peace and hope. Every chaotic thing swirling about becomes a murmuring sound in the distance while the calming sound of tranquility embodies us. 

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John 14:27 says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

Take this world, for I want Jesus. Nothing can heal this heart but Jesus’ undying love that flowed from Calvary.  

Media by: Victoria Fisher


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