Three Reasons Why the Happiness Begins Tour is the Best Thing to Ever Exist

Source: Emily Hogue

I think it is safe to say that the Jonas BrothersHappiness Begins Tour is the best concert I have ever been to. Not one single word comes to mind when trying to explain the experience in its entirety, so I have broken it down into a list. Here are some reasons that show why my 9-year-old and 19-year-old self had the absolute time of her life this past Saturday night.

Fans Coming Back Together

The Jonas Brothers returning in 2019 was a shock to all fans who had fallen in love with the band and their music several years ago. A flood of nostalgia rushed over Jonas Brothers fans across the world when they announced their return, and their tour was the perfect opportunity to be that kid again who was dancing in their room with posters plastered on the wall jamming to the newly released “A Little Bit Longer” soundtrack.  Allie, @ItsAwkwardAllie, says: “I’m a very nostalgic person and the Jonas Brothers remind me of my childhood/preteen years when I was the happiest and didn’t have to worry about anything.” Furthermore, The overall energy in the arena was indescribable. A friend of the band, Cavanaugh James, puts it perfectly:

“Happiness Begins is a celebration of life and everyone in it.”

Stage Effects

This concert is a work of art. From the video packages in between and during the songs to the special effects that electrify the arena, to the confetti canons, and even the car dealership inflatable men, the show is visually stunning. If you follow me on Twitter you would know my absolute favorite part of the show was during “Lovebug” when they had fireworks go off on the beats of the big “bass drop” at the end of the song. Jack Gorlin, one of the tour photographers, captures this in his photography shown below.

The Jonas Brothers Are Simply Talented

When most people hear the term “boy band,” they are immediately turned off because of its negative connotation. From the beginning, the Jonas Brothers have written most of their songs, including hits such as “Burnin’ Up” and “SOS.” Their singing and songwriting have only improved over the years, even in their projects outside of the band. Many artists’ live performances are not up to par with what we expect in comparison to the recorded versions of the songs, but this is especially not true with the Jonas Brothers. Their true talent shows on and off stage, and the connection they have made with fans through their music is amazing. One fan in particular who can relate to this is Emma, @lolzimemma. She says:

“…the Jonas Brothers and their music is what helped me out of suicide and depression while living in an abusive household… seeing them on the Happiness Begins tour, it is a reminder that I never lost hope and that they helped give me courage to achieve and never give up.”

The Jonas Brothers and this tour mean something different to every single fan. Here is what other fans have to say about why the Jonas Brothers and this tour mean so much to them:

Hannah (@hannahwhenimsad) – “The Jonas brothers have been there throughout the past 13 years of my life. They really bring sunshine into my life, and the happiness begins tour makes me feel so carefree and like I belong somewhere.”

Chelsea (@chelseaann21) – “I almost feel like I owe them everything! When they came on it felt like all my worries were gone. You can tell that they put their heart and soul into the show and production… The love they have for their fans is remarkable. Something you don’t see in a lot of artists. “

Lexi (@Lvattjonas) – “No matter where you’re seated, you always feel connected with the boys. There’s a special energy at a Jonas concert that words cannot describe.”

Allison (@alliejay16) – “I’ve followed the guys since 2006 and this is the happiest I’ve ever seen them on tour!!”

JonasUpdatesNYC (@JonasUpdatesNYC) – “I love the energy, throwbacks, and just having our boys back again!!”

Kayla (@TheJonasScoop) – “One thing I love about this tour is the journey they take you on when they play their new and old music and even some of their songs from their solo projects, they play it all! It’s the perfect blend of how they’ve all grown and evolved over the past decade. It’s truly the place where happiness begins.”


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