“The Princess Bride” was the perfect movie for Greenville to show right now

The Princess Bride playing nest to the Greenville Universtiy Library
A photo taken from the festivities on September 4th. Media by Thomas Broomfield.

2020 has, to be blunt, been a pretty miserable year. With all the chaos going on because of COVID-19, stress has been at an all-time high this year around the world, and especially around campus. Students always wear their masks to lower the curve, and they are constant testing. Add these measurements on top of that the usual stresses that come with college life. Overall, it’s probably been a bit chaotic. 

Considering all of the adjustments to campus life, there was almost no better movie for Greenville University to show during this time than the Princess Bride. Yes, seriously. 

Westley and Buttercup from the Princess Bride
The two main characters of the movie. Media by NME.

For those who don’t know, The Princess Bride is a 1987 fantasy/romance that’s gained quite the cult status over the years. It’s been acclaimed by audiences and critics alike. For most people that have seen the movie, they can probably quote a ton of it from off the top of their heads. The film is renowned for its quick wit, memorable characters and dialogue, and even some fantastic music. 

Needless to say, a lot of people consider it a really good and fun movie, which is exactly what people need right now in times of crisis. The Princess Bride, shockingly, presents almost all of that which we need right now. 

  1. Humor
The "you keep using that word" scene from the Princess Bride.
One of the most popular moments of the movie. Media by Pintrest.

The world hasn’t been in a shortage of humor since the pandemic, admittedly. Whether it be memes that people have shared about quarantine or wearing different, comedic styles of masks, there’s been no lack of comedy lately. That being said, the importance of humor can’t be understated. Humor is something that can combine people of all colors, shapes, sizes, etc. Despite all of the changes to college life, coming together to watch Princess Bride and hear a lot of people laugh at several points throughout the movie was just nice to see. 

  1. Social gathering

Ever since this pandemic, social gatherings have been less and less frequent, which has been for good reason, admittedly. However, that doesn’t change the fact that people have been getting lonely, whether it be due to them being in quarantine or because all their friends are. The Princess Bride is a movie that a lot of people know and showing it on an open field as Greenville University did is a great way to keep people safe while making sure they can still enjoy the company of other people. 

The Princess Bride cast, now much older, all standing together.
The Princess Bride cast reunited after so many years. Media by Channel3000.
  1. Feeling good. 

The pandemic has been hard on everyone, but a lot of people are hurting more than others can possibly realize, whether it be losing loved ones or just being scared of what the future holds. Obviously, a movie can’t take all of that away, but The Princess Bride is a movie that can easily get absorbed its audience, providing a nice, feel-good escape from the world. Sometimes, a little escapism is all you need. 

The Princess Bride was a shockingly great choice for a movie to watch during these trying times. At the end of the movie, there was a roar of applause as the end credits rolled, and the students weren’t just applauding to be polite. One of the students, Joseph Aldridge, was interviewed and said, to paraphrase, “It’s one of my favorites. It’s funny, it’s got a lot of elements that almost anyone can enjoy, and it’s overall just a great movie.” That’s truly the best way to put it. 

Overall, it was probably one of Greenville’s better ideas to pick this movie to show. Everyone needs a little fantasy now and then, and Greenville was happy to oblige this time.


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