Where am I Supposed to Study?

Media by Joe Smith.

COVID-19 has put a damper on many things throughout this year. However, Greenville University is taking precautions for in-person classes and going strong. GU has many guidelines to follow so students and staff can all stay safe from the virus. As a student on campus, this may raise the question: If I need to follow these guidelines, where should I study? Thankfully, GU students have provided insight to make sure you can know all of the best places to follow guidelines and study.

Student Thoughts

The following is an interview with a few students on campus what their personal preferences for studying, and the feedback was quite interesting. Take a listen:

Media by Joe Smith.

Students typically appear to have different places around campus depending on what major they had. For a music major, the best place to go seemed to be Whitlock because it is easy to get a spot to yourself and sound limitation. In Whitlock, many find a spot to either have background noise, if that is what you prefer or have barely to no sound. It is these small things that make it a great place to utilize for those that have access to it.

For a ministry major, the best place to study was actually the JKL building. It is a small building a couple of blocks down from Whitlock that hosts many ministry classes. The few that use it are able to get the social aspect while they study because of the fact that the professors leave their doors open and are willing to talk with the students. It also has comfortable seating to make it easy to snuggle in and study for a few hours. Everyone has their preferences, so those places may be good to check out if you have access to them.


On top of finding what other people thought, here are a few spaces on campus to make sure that everyone has somewhere to go regardless of major. When coming up with these spots, a few factors were taken into account. The spot needed to have plenty of space to allow for social distancing, a comfortable atmosphere for ease of studying, and be easily accessible for everyone.

Scott Field

Media by Joe Smith.

Scott Field is a great place to be able to study and social distance all in one. Along with the vastness is the nice atmosphere that comes with being outside. Obviously, this spot depends on the weather as to whether it is enjoyable or not, but it is overall a great place to study on an average day. Scott Field also employs the gentle sounds of everyday life around campus, making it very enjoyable for those that like a little bit of sound. Definitely a recommended place for those that would like a bit of time outside.

Upper Union

Media by Joe Smith.

The Upper Union is a spot that has not seemed to be used much this semester. It has a great atmosphere and plenty of room for social distancing. It harbors a ton of seating for group study sessions and plenty of things to do for when you need a break. With a ping pong table, pool table, and television, it allows for many activities to get yourself a quick relief from homework if you require it. Also, when it is too hot outside, it has air conditioning to make everyone stay comfortable and focused. Definitely a good spot to study if you need ease of access to decent break activities.


Media by Joe Smith.

Last but certainly not least, the library is a great place to study even at this time of the virus. It has study rooms with televisions and plenty of seats to open up to group study sessions. There are also tons of seats to sit and study solo. Similar to the upper union, the air conditioning can be a reliever if it is hot outside. It also is a fairly quiet place, so if you need a few distractions as possible, this is the place to be.

It is important to remember to experiment with places to see where you personally like to study. These suggestions are exactly that: suggestions. Try out the places mentioned and see if you enjoy them as much as others do. Do not forget to keep social distancing while studying!


  1. I love this article. I am an adjunct and work from Jacksonville, IL. I have been to campus a few times but it is wonderful to see these pictures and read the article.


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