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Tag: #Esports

Play On, DuPlayee

Article by Jack Brummel, Liam McArthur, and Thomas Harris Christopher DuPlayee is the new Esports coach for Greenville University and is now coaching a team...

Apex Legends and The GU E-sports Team

Greenville University’s E-Sports team has multiple teams that play various games. One team that is popular is the Apex team. Apex Legends is a...

GU Esports: How Does It Work?

The beginning of a new semester brings a new year of sports, and this year, all sports are taking place around the same time....

Testing Games #1: Apex Legends

Gianpiero Tristano and Jorge Yagüe are here to introduce a new series! In this series we will talk through trending games and test them...

Sponsors in E-sports: GU has Something to Say

Sponsorship means presence and impact. Sponsorship was, is, and will always be one of the best strategies for businesses to create brand awareness and...

GU E-sports 2020-2021: New Goals, New Challenges, and New Officers

Every student might be thinking about how the next academic year is going to look like considering the state of emergency that currently keeps...

GU E-Sports Athletic Program: Games Offered

It was on May 23rd, 2019, when Greenville University decided to invest in esports, hiring current Head Coach B.J. Fink. That move showed what...

ESports, Are they Affected by COVID-19?

0 How does the COVID-19 outbreak affect Esports? I am here to break down how Esports have been affected by the virus. We also...

GU Is Joining The E-Sports Fever

Greenville University and its whole campus is excited. GU is joining the college fever of E-Sports, and they are doing so investing and trusting...

Michael Holmes the Esports Gamer

Michael Holmes is a junior from Wright City, Missouri which is a small town with about 3,500 people in it. "When making a decision...