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Tag: jesus

Love Your Enemy: Why I am a Pacifist

n his 2011 Society of Vineyard Scholars presentation, Jev Forsberg states that “the topic of violence has been on the minds and in the hearts of Christ-followers since the climactic birth of the Christian movement: the violent death of Christ on a Roman cross.”

Christian Liturgy: Time of Perversion or Inversion?

In chapter nine of his work, Holy Things, A Liturgical Theology, Gordon Lathrop juxtaposes the Christian liturgy in light of society. In doing so, Lathrop demonstrates that Christian liturgy “wishes to call us to God and especially to God’s grace known in Jesus Christ, and wishes to propose that grace to this world”.[1] Simultaneously, however, Christian liturgy attempts to point us away from our meeting on Sunday and towards Christ in the everyday.

Share Your Home This Christmas

At Greenville College, one thing that is stressed is how important it is to experience different cultures. This is done in two different ways. First, Greenville sends students to places all around the world, whether this is through a short term mission trip, a semester abroad, or anything in between. Several students, including myself, have been able to experience cultures by immersing themselves in it for a period of time.

Christian Hospitality

This week in the senior capstone class, Foundations of Christian Doctrine, we discussed liturgy and society. Though many different trails can be explored when discussing liturgy and society, Dr. Hartley made a point in class regarding hospitality that lead me down my own trail.

There And Back Again: Brian Welch, Korn and Christ

It was reported earlier this year that Brian Welch rejoined Korn. What changed? Brian left drugs, bitterness, anger, depression and fear. Why would he go back?

Why are Millennials Leaving the Church?

There is a trend in “Generation Y” or in “the Millennials” where people are becoming less religious and attending church less frequently. Millennial is a term that generally refers to a person who is born somewhere between 1980 and 2000. So, if there is a decrease in church and religious activity in this age group, what has caused it? What makes this generation different than the one before it?

To Hell in a Hand Basket

The whole thing is going to hell in a hand basket” has become one of my favorite phrases since coming to Greenville College. I don’t use the phrase about the school (that often), and I’m not entirely sure what a hand basket is. All the same, I like something about this phrase. Maybe it’s the image of the Lord of Darkness hearing a knock, opening the gates of Hell, seeing no one, and looking down to see a flowery basket with a note pinned to it.

Spirit of Adventure

Paths walked by the disciples of Jesus Christ are those of extraordinary adventure. Over the past two weeks, Global Impact and Set Free have inspired a shimmering spirit for adventure across campus. In chapel on Wednesday, Kali Long, the Set Free leader from Athens, defined the term “missionary” in its original Greek to mean “one on a holy mission from God”. It is this mission to which Jesus invites us.

The Always Ready To Dive In Show Episode 8 – Épée

In this episode, Austin and Jake give us a rundown of all things GC. Including articles about the All College Hike, Drugs and Jesus.

(Un)holy Things: Jesus Christ

In his work, “Holy Things”, Gordon Lathrop states that, “authentic continuity requires responsible change” (p. 5). This is to say that the discussions we have today regarding faith are not ones that we ought to take lightly. Rather, what we discern in contemporary discussions of evolution versus seven-day creation is going to inform future generations. Furthermore, the faith we have been given in the 21st century is not the same of the Early Church.