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Tag: #PantherPride

TD Radio Episode 2- Ice Breaker

0 In this episode of TD Radio, we give you all an upcoming look at what's to come in Grenville University Sports. We also answer...

TD Radio Podcast

0 TD radio brings nonstop positivity, humor, and great energy to our listeners. Our goal is to share our own experiences, knowledge, and encounters with...

The Invisible Wall: Athletes vs. DM students

For years, the Greenville campus has had a stigma of digital media students and athletes lacking interaction on campus. Two of the most respected...

Runner Profile: Isaiah Atkins

We choose our paths; other times, they choose us. For GU runner Isaiah Atkins, the choice was mutual. Atkins, a sophomore from Hillsboro, IL,...

A Walk Through Faith and Coaching with Coach Barber

For over twenty years now, Greenville has been home to Dr. George Barber, head men's basketball coach at Greenville University. He has had a...

Dress like a Panther at The Panther Clawset

Are you ready to be a Greenville super-fan? Are you ready to rep your school and its colors? If so, The Panther Clawset is...