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Tag: #SLIAC #GU #GUPanthers #GUPapyrus #RecordBreakingSeason

SLIAC Women’s Basketball Recap

A few weekends ago, the small town of Greenville, IL was home to the SLIAC Women's Basketball tournament. The top four teams in the...

A Gracious Competitor: Daniel Saeli

As basketball season dwindles down, tournament action has slowly started to creep up in the small town of Greenville. The Greenville Men’s basketball team...

Katie Wolfram: Without Heart, it’s Just a Game

Greenville University women's basketball team has high hopes on dominating the court this year with passion, integrity, and persistent energy. Coaches, players, and even...

Get To Know Power House Morgan St. James

There is an explanation for why GU fans are in favor with Morgan St. James' style and passion for the game of basketball. Her...