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Tag: video game

What To Do When There’s “Nothing To Do”

Sometimes it may seem like there isn't much to do on campus. Between classes and extracurricular activities, it feels like there isn't much else...

There’s a Viral Game Among Us

How does a game that came out in 2018 suddenly take the world by storm? The online game Among Us was originally released back...

Five Gaming YouTubers You Should Watch

The term YouTuber is often said with disdain, synonymous with fevered yells of, "It's just a prank bro!" and shameless begging for more attention and subscribers....

Album Review: Live at Grillby’s

Written by Johnathon Goodenow. Media by Alli Haug. Many things can be said about Toby Fox’s wildly successful video game “Undertale.” One thing in particular is that it...

Super Smash Bros for Wii U

Written by Logan Welliver. Media by Jack Wang. On this date of November 21st, Super Smash Bros for Wii U will be released to critical...

To Infinity and Beyond!

When Avalanche Software and Disney Interactive released Toy Story 3: The Video Game in 2010, expectations were low. Actually, that’s an overstatement. There simply were no expectations. It’s long been known among gamers that, much like game-to-film transitions, film-to-game transitions are almost always abysmal. When those who were brave enough to try out the new Toy Story game got to actually playing it, though, they found themselves enjoying one of the most inventive, purely enjoyable gaming experiences of that year – the rare movie game that was successful, largely because Avalance felt no need to rehash the story people surely already saw in the film and instead gifted the world with a creation known, quite fittingly, as the “Toy Box.”

Bioshock Infinite Review

Written by Matthew Harper, Media by Michael Trieb. In the fall of 2007, Xbox 360 and PC gamers were stunned by Irrational Games’ revolutionary first-person...