What To Do When There’s “Nothing To Do”

Sometimes it may seem like there isn’t much to do on campus. Between classes and extracurricular activities, it feels like there isn’t much else going on. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth! There are a ton of fun activities going on around campus all of the time. Whether it’s an exciting GSGA event or a club geared towards your personal interests, there is a place for you to have fun while on your college journey here at Greenville! Here are a few options for you to check out:

The Gaming Club

Media by Jack Brummel

The GU gaming club is a great group to join if you enjoy playing video games competitively or casually! They have a lot of video games installed on their PCs and a switch to play Nintendo games on. There are a variety of Esports teams more competitive gamers can join like Rainbow Six Siege, Apex Legend, and Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Not only that, but they sometimes host events where you can compete against your classmates—even for prizes! They also have a Minecraft server that you can play mini-games in. Consider joining today or even coming in to visit!

Joyous Chaos

Media by Henry Johnson III

Sitting in your room bored all night? Wishing you could find a good laugh somewhere? Well, look no further than the LaDue Auditorium where you can find the Joyous Chaos team! Joyous Chaos is GU’s student-run improv team. They perform monthly shows that bring all kinds of joy, chaos, and fun into the evenings of students all across campus. Whether you’re on the team or just in the audience, there is never a dull moment! Come join in on the fun when you get a chance. And if you don’t want to take it from me, take it from everyone’s favorite junior, Isaiah Atkins: “I’m super excited to be a part of Joyous Chaos. Improv has always been something that I wanted to try so I was very pumped to find out I was one of the new cast members. We are gonna have quite a few shows throughout the school year, with our first coming up on October 29th as a part of Homecoming week. It’s a lot of fun, we have a great cast. These are some of the wittiest and funniest people I have ever met. It’s gonna be awesome, and I encourage everyone to come watch!”

The Blackroom

Media by Koream Jett

The Blackroom, located by the sand volleyball court just outside of Hood, is a host to many different types of performances. Whether that is Open Mic or Blackroom Cafe, both of these opportunities give Greenville students a platform to perform their talents such as standup comedy, storytelling, and singing and songwriting. This has become a very popular place that offers opportunities that many people in Greenville find time to do week in and week out. You can arrive to enjoy the show, or even perform, which allows for a mixed group of people coming to see the many different acts being presented. Join the crowd on Tuesday nights for a diverse variety of entertainment!

Athletic Events

Media by Darrin Stewart

If you didn’t already know, the majority of Greenville students are athletes. Sports that are in season currently are Women’s Volleyball, Men’s and Women’s Soccer, Football, and Cross Country. Greenville is a family-oriented town, and whenever there is a sporting event happening, the community gathers around to cheer on the Panthers. The Women’s Volleyball team led by head coach Tom Ackerman is leading the ladies to victory. They are currently undefeated and don’t plan on breaking that streak with the season’s end right around the corner. The volleyball team is even favored to win the SLIAC Championship this year! Right behind them is the Men’s Football team, which was sidelined early in the season last year due to COVID-19 but is now having a tremendous year. Led by senior running back Paul Garret, the men’s football team is currently 3-0 in the conference and the teammates continue to play their hearts out every game. Sporting events are a hallmark here at Greenville because they allow the students to experience a fun and competitive team that enjoys what they are doing. Come out and support your GU brothers and sisters next time you get the chance! Go Panthers!

Article by: Hanah Cooper, Henry Johnson III, Koream Jett, Jack Brummel


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