Pinterest DIY: Fall Edition

O r c h a r d

Article and media by Charley Phillips.


Ahh, here it is again. One of my favorite seasons arrived as of September 22nd…fall! There is nothing more exciting then getting into some jeans (or leggings) and slipping on a sweatshirt. Not only is it comfortable but it just reminds me of so many things that fall brings. We have all patiently waited for pumpkin patches, carmel apples, hay rides, football, and most of all, the pumpkin spice lattes. This DIY will show you how to make the best of fall. No matter if you are in a dorm or at home, these quick and simple crafts will bring you into the fall spirit!




First off, I wanted to just start with one of the most anticipated items that all women of any age waits for during the fall season. The Pumpkin Spice Latte. This recipe is simple and yet looks delicious enough to try. According to the article, this is BETTER than Starbucks. The ingredients include: Syrup mixture ( 1 1/2 cup Water, 1 1/2 cup Sugar, 1/3 cup Pumpkin Puree, 1 1/2 tsp Cinnamon, 1 tsp Nutmeg, 1/2 tsp Cloves, 1/2 tsp Ginger) and for the Latte  part ( 8 oz Milk,  4 oz Strong Coffee or Espresso, 2 tbsp Pumpkin Spice Syrup, Whipped Cream, Pumpkin Pie Spice). After you have gathered up all the ingredients, simmer water and sugar in a pan over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until sugar dissolves. Add spices and the pumpkin and continue to simmer for 10 minutes, stirring often. Remove from heat and strain through a strainer. Allow the syrup to cool, then refrigerate it in a sealed container. Heat milk in the microwave for one minute. Then froth with a blender or whisk and put the syrup in the bottom of the cup and top it off with coffee and frothed milk. Next, top it with whipped cream and a dusting of pumpkin pie spice. Finally, you have a DIY Pumpkin Spice Latte that is from your kitchen at not even the same cost of one latte at Starbucks!






Another big thing that seems to be trending is mason jar decoration. I enjoy the rustic feel that mason jars give to a certain setting. Rustic and the fall season go hand and hand it seems like. This DIY will show you how to spice up a simple mason jar that you can continue to use every fall season! First of all, determine how many jars you would like to have for your decorations. As I was researching, the number three kept  popping up. So I suggest using three mason jars to start off with. The other materials you will need are white, orange, and yellow spray paint.  Spray the jars white first and let them dry. The whole purpose is to make them look like ‘candy corn’. By the way, what does candy corn even taste like? To me they taste a little bit like marshmallow. Anyway, once that layer is done, spray the center of the jar orange to your liking. Then allow it to dry so you can add your yellow paint to the top of the jar. This is pretty easy but make sure that you are in an area that you would not mind getting excess paint on. Other than that, this is a quick and easy DIY that can be used over and over!









a0d93255901084b7cc8150e59824e8f2The final DIY for fall is a pumpkin that you melt crayons over. I think this is a cute and customized project that anyone can accomplish! First off, when going to a pumpkin patch or any place that has a wide variety of pumpkins, find one that is white. You could also just use the left over white paint from the mason jar project and spray a regular pumpkin white. Depending on what you want it to look like, you can just skip the white pumpkin overall.  Next you can purchase crayons or use old ones that you don’t plan on using again. Make sure that you gather up enough crayons to surround the top of the pumpkin. It will be easiest to attach the crayons onto the pumpkin if you have a glue gun available. Finally, once everything is attached, use a blow dryer to melt the crayons to the desired look you are wanting. In order to make it fall themed, use oranges, yellows, browns, whatever you feel may look like fall. Either way, this is a very cool project that you could do at any time of the year!




Fall is here! Have any other tips? Comment below! In the mean time, check out last weeks DIY for creating a neat college dorm room!

Graphic by: Charley Phillips


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