Down Nostalgia Way

media by Stephen Hillrich

Written by Lexi Baysinger.  Media by Stephen Hillrich.


As college students, most of us appreciate movies. We are also at an age where we like to reminisce about what we used to love in the past. In recent years, these two things have come together. Disney Pixar studios have started brining back movie franchises that have say dormant for a few years with some pretty significant success.

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Disney Pixar’s Monsters University was the starting point for the recent batch of announcements. Monsters Inc., its predecessor, came out in 2001, 12 years before the release of University. What happened in those 12 years? The original audience grew up and began attending college. Disney Pixar understood their audience and made the movie for new children as well as the now teenagers who were making the same voyage as Mike and Sully.

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Recently news has been released about a sequel for The Incredibles. I, for one, am really excited about it. No information has been released about what the movie will entail, but it’s been 10 years since the original was released. Does this mean that we’ll finally get to see the family face off against the Underminer? And will Frozone’s wife ever stop hiding his super suit? Or has the mantle passed onto Violet, Dash, and Jack Jack to face the world of super villains?



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Finding Dory is to be released in 2015, following an 11-year hiatus from Finding Nemo. Not much is known about the plot, but it seems like Ellen DeGeneres’ forgetful character Dory has found herself lost. According to, there’s a new character that’s being introduced as Dory’s adoptive sister. How much has here family grown since joining up with Marlin and Nemo?

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For those of you who are looking for a more serious reboot, you’ve no doubt heard about the Star Wars resurgence. J. J. Abrams, who directed the Star Trek reboots, will direct the new movie. So it should be in good hands, if not, the fan base has threatened to rename the director Jar Jar Abrams. The movie will see old characters returning to the screen, Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fischer, and Billy Dee Williams have all been rumored to be reprising their roles. The movie is slated to come out next year.

So if you’re big into nostalgia, the next few years should be very pleasing for you. If anything, I’m pumped that The Incredibles is finally getting a sequel and I’m looking forward to all the new movies that will be coming back in the coming years as well.

media via DisneyPixar YouTube channel


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