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Tag: dance

What’s your favorite Dance Move?

For the past decade or so, we have seen famous people, such as, soccer players, football players, basketball players, as well as famous artists...

Spring Fling Has a Good Ring To It

This past Friday night, March 29, in Ladue Auditorium, WGRN hosted their first-ever Spring Fling! It included food, music, dancing, a photo booth, a Mrs. &...

A Throwback to the Twenties

It’s that time of year again that you have all been waiting for, GSGA’s annual Swing Dance. Each year Greenville University’s Greenville Student Government...

Homecoming Dance Recap

Written By Levi Jubelt Media by John Freeman. Whether you are a fan of school dances or not, there is no denying that they are...

How to Ask Someone to Homecoming

Homecoming is an opportunity to ask that guy or girl you’ve been crushing on to dance the night away with you, as you gaze into each other’s eyes all night long. Let’s back it up though, how exactly should you ask someone to homecoming? There are many ways to go about popping the question, and hopefully one of these ways will help you get the guy or girl of your dreams to say yes.

People to Look for at Junior and Senior

With Jr/Sr right around the corner I thought it would be good to inform everyone of the different people you may meet. Whether this is your first time going to Jr/Sr or your last, I think this list will be most helpful for those that would rather people watch than dance (I'll admit, guilty as charged!) Without further ado, the top five people you will likely meet at this event are:

The Simple Room

The Simple Room, a local youth center, is well into the new school year with a brand new executive staff at the helm. Jamie Harling, a recent GC graduate in Elementary Education, TESL, and Spanish stepped into the position of Executive Director in August. Josh Dees, a current GC student, cross country runner/coach, and Biology instructor, took the Director of Family Relations position in September, while Chad Warner, former Young Adult minister at Greenville First Christian Church, came on as the Community Outreach Director.

What Not to Wear: Homecoming Edition

Homecoming can be a stressful time. Everyone is busy with classes, jobs, and of course showing as much school spirit as humanly possible. With so many things on each of our plates we tend to lose our better judgment and make some questionable choices. This can quickly lead to disastrous results when one is forced to make major life decisions like what to wear to the Homecoming Dance. Luck for you, the Papyrus staff has put together a bit of a guide to homecoming fashion.