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Tag: Fortnite

The NCAA and The Possibility of Joining E-Sports

A question that comes to people's minds is does the NCAA have anything to do with E-Sports? The answer is no and most people...

GU E-Sports Athletic Program: Games Offered

It was on May 23rd, 2019, when Greenville University decided to invest in esports, hiring current Head Coach B.J. Fink. That move showed what...

Greenville University’s Esports Showcase

0 Take a look at the Esports team at Greenville University! The Esports team is coached by B.J. Fink. Here, Gianpiero Tristano, a member of...

President of Esports: Chadwick Plath

Chadwick Plath is a sophomore from Lodi, California. Plath is an engineering major, and he is the president of the Greenville University Esports Club....

Fortnite Losing its Crown? Apex Legends on the Rise

As it is kicking off it's eighth season, everyone has seen, played, and or heard of Fortnite. The millions of players for almost two...

Throwback Video Games & Gaming Affects on Children | What’s The...

"Do you feel video games are ruining children's childhood?" Eric Williams and Rakim Murphy throw it back with their favorite childhood gaming consoles and video games. Later, they discuss...

Baseball and Fortnite

Written and Media by Anthony Stephenson. The virtual game of Fortnite has taken the world by storm and shows no signs of slowing down. The...

Fortnite Frenzy

Written and Media by Joey Clinton. Fortnite has taken the campus by storm (pardon the pun). Almost every night, dorm rooms across campus are filled with...