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Tag: #Greenville University Esports

GU E-Sports: SMART Center Gaming Room

At the beginning of this crazy and unprecedented year, I was naively writing about the new practice facility that would host the Greenville University...

Happy (Belated) World Esports Day!

Have you ever heard of World Esports Day? Well, the Greenville University Esports Program wants to make sure that no one ever forgets it!...

President of Esports: Chadwick Plath

Chadwick Plath is a sophomore from Lodi, California. Plath is an engineering major, and he is the president of the Greenville University Esports Club....

Michael Holmes the Esports Gamer

Michael Holmes is a junior from Wright City, Missouri which is a small town with about 3,500 people in it. "When making a decision...


Gaming is a large aspect of our culture in today's society. It has been growing at a rapid pace to the point there are...