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Tag: nintendo

Most Anticipated Games in 2020: Part 2

Video games are definitely an avenue many are using to pass by time during this pandemic. Many are out and coming soon to be...

Throwback Video Games & Gaming Affects on Children | What’s The...

"Do you feel video games are ruining children's childhood?" Eric Williams and Rakim Murphy throw it back with their favorite childhood gaming consoles and video games. Later, they discuss...

Papyrus Reviews: Rivals of Aether

In 1999, Nintendo released Super Smash Bros 64 to wild success. The game sold over 5 million copies worldwide and founded a new subgenre...

Majora’s Mask 3D

Written by: Logan Welliver. Media by: Charley Phillips. It’s here, it’s finally here. After years of speculation since the release of Ocarina of Time 3D...

ShtuffCubed Podcast: Wii-U — Podcast or Bust!

Logan and Jimmy Discus the Wii-U and Nintendo as a whole. Also discussion is had about the new Smash Bros. and Mario Kart games! Shot's fired by Jimmy Menk, and Logan is steadfast as he defends Nintendo as a company. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!

Why It’s Time to Invest in a Wii U

The Wii U needs all the help it can get right now, but nobody wants to give it until Nintendo pushes units through its own first party software. So, what does Nintendo have coming down the pipeline? Well, two of Nintendo’s biggest franchises are landing on the platform this year, one of which is only weeks away, Mario Kart 8.

Console War Gripes

Once upon a time a man invented the internet. Everybody thought that the internet was going to be this wonderful place of discovery, a place that people would come together and solve the worlds problems. Sadly, that future never came. The purpose of the internet is seemingly to breed trolls and create debating grounds, if you can even call them debates. And lately there is one debate that has ruled the front page of the internet. The console wars.