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Tag: faith

Shattered: Breaking through Spiritual Strongholds

Over the course of our lives, we face numerous challenges and create a good half of them for ourselves. We struggle with anxieties, uncertainty,...

Faith and Fishin’ Episode 1: Chris Brooks

With the Greenville University Bass Fishing fall season coming to a close soon with only one event remaining, a new series called Faith and...

New to GU: Katie Nehf, Women’s Basketball

This upcoming season, the GU Women’s Basketball Team is welcoming a new assistant coach, Katie Nehf. Nehf hails from Broomfield, Colorado, a suburb outside...

What’s the Papyrus???

When people hear the word Papyrus, they immediately wonder what the heck you are talking about. Well, let's find out what it means! Every week...

The Fruit of the Spirit: Joy

How did Jesus know that we would all need the Holy Spirit in our lives? The Bible tells us that Jesus had to leave...

Sadie Robertson: An Unperfectly, Perfect Christian Example

“Si, the speed limit sign said 35. Your Goin' 55." -Sadie Robertson "Oh, that's just a suggestion.” - Si Robertson Sadie Robertson is superb at giving...

Where is Your Faith When the Workload Becomes Heavy?

College gets heavy for all of us from time to time, but when it does, do you still stand just as firm in your...

Filtered: Consuming Media as Christians

The struggle with media has been a prevalent one for Christians for some time now. As social creatures, we want to be in the...

Is Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis Actually Mere?

Overview: Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis presents the religion that is Christianity in the most unbiased, straightforward, and simple way possible. Told from a former...

Football Player Profile: George Harris

Written and Media by Ransom Cochrane. During the several months of offseason and only a short spring season, football is a sport that loses its...