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Tag: top 5

Top 5 Trending Video Games of 2020

This week's article on the "Top 5 Series" is focusing on the top five trending video games of 2020. Recently, there have been some...

The Top Winners of 2020: Magician Edition

Continuing this week of the top winners of 2020, we will be focusing on the top five magicians. 5. Cyril Takayama First up is the talented...

Top 5 Actors Who Will Never Die

Everyone wants to be an actor. Even people who have already made it big in other industries like music seem to make their way into Hollywood and on the big(or small) screen. Few of these aspiring actors end up achieving their goal, and even fewer will be remembered forever for their accomplishments. Here is a list of five actors who will forever be remembered, whether they are dead or still living, for their memorable skill and charisma in front of the camera.

Doctor Who Week: Top 5 Doctor Who Villains

When it comes to Doctor Who villains, there are a lot. Almost every episode brings in a new bad guy for the Doctor to fight off, and each one has their own special place in the heart of every Whovian. However, everyone can pick their favorites and some villains are about as iconic as the Doctor himself. This weeks top 5 is sticking with the entertainment section's Doctor Who theme for the week and is going to talk about these villains. The ones who help make the story as much as the Doctor does, and that would be almost impossible to think of being beaten for good.