Brazil and Mexico Presidents Upset Over NSA Spying

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Written by Erik Reed. Media by Michael Courtney.

After Edward Snowden left the United States for a year’s worth of asylum in Russia, and after tensions arose between the U.S. and its two biggest Latin American allies, Brazil and Mexico, President Barack Obama has promised to probe the U.S. National Security Agency’s alleged spying on the two nations (Reuters)

At a news conference, Obama said, “I assured them that I take these allegations very seriously. I understand their concerns. I understand the concerns of the Mexican and Brazilian people; and that we will work with their teams to resolve what is a source of tension” (Reuters).

Brazilian president, Dilma Rousseff, was not satisfied with Obama’s assurances and her trip to Washington, D.C. depends on political conditions in regards to his assurances. Mexican president, EnriquePena Nieto, responded by saying that Obama “made a personal pledge to investigate the alleged spying by the NSA to avoid the issue damaging relations with the U.S.’s largest trade partner in Latin America” (Reuters).

Obama promises to give Brazil and Mexico an answer by Wednesday, September 11, 2013 to its demand for an explanation on the investigative report. The reported meddling into her personal communications angered Rousseff and a senior government official, stating that she might cancel the state visit unless she receives an apology from the White House (VOA News).



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