What Makes HER a HERo: Captain Marvel Trailer Review

Marvel movies are rapidly sweeping over the world. With Avengers: Infinity War just now coming out for home release, the superhero world is taking over. Over the past ten years, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has expanded to what we have today. Starting with Tony Stark tinkering with his tech in the first Iron Man movie to Infinity War. Marvel has been planning this since the beginning. Now, a new superhero is coming to town…more like crashing into town, but we’ll get to that in a minute. If you watched Infinity War and watched through the end credit scenes, you know that Fury called for help on a little device before *spoiler* getting dusted. On Tuesday, September 18, the first trailer for Captain Marvel dropped on Good Morning America and we have a breakdown of the trailer and a couple theories on what is going to happen in the film.

The trailer starts with Captain Marvel, played by Brie Larson, crashing through the roof of a Blockbuster store. Now we all know that Blockbuster died off a while back (God rest its beautiful soul.) So we know that this movie does not take place today. Captain Marvel takes place in the 90’s. S.H.I.E.L.D. is a relatively new operation, Agent Coulson is younger and still alive, and Nick Fury has hair and both of his eyes. At first, we get the feeling that Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) isn’t from around here. Through her explanation, however, we see flashes of her in the Air Force. She did have a life here. But how did she end up crashing on Earth?

Captain Marvel in action. Credit BBC.com

There are many theories already blowing around that Carol was defeated in a battle with Skrulls early in the film and knocked down to Earth.

Hold on. Back up. What are Skrulls?

Skrulls are an alien race in the Marvel Universe that are known shapeshifters. They can look like anyone and they are truly horrible. Many believe that the old woman Carol punches on the bus is a Skrull in disguise. These alien creatures are going to be important players against our heroes. The main villain, however, could be none other than Ronan the Accuser. We last saw Ronan in Guardians of the Galaxy when he tried to use the Power Infinity Stone. Captain Marvel is taking place before Guardians, so we may see into his backstory a little more and how he has Gamora and Nebula. We may also see a familiar and loved character in a post-credit scene shapeshift into a Skrull, leading into the next untitled Avengers movie in May.

The trailer is not only really great for hardcore Marvel fans, but it is also great for the younger audience watching. There are many flashes of Carol as a young girl and young adult in the trailer. She falls down in a series of flashes and later in the trailer we see each age getting back up. Little girls watching this trailer and the movie will see themselves in Captain Marvel and realize that they can always get back up to keep going and push on. Carol Danvers will become an inspiration for many female viewers.

Captain Marvel logo. Credit: Marvel Studios YouTube trailer.

Many Marvel fans are excited about this film. Regina Sanders, a senior here at Greenville, spoke about her opinions of the trailer when it first dropped. “I thought it was flipping awesome! It was exactly what I think of when I think of impressive cinema. I’m excited for Marvel’s first female lead film.”

With the movie coming out on International Women’s Day, March 8th, we are sure to see more theories and snippets in these upcoming months of waiting. The world will be watching Captain Marvel soar into battle in her red, blue, and gold suit; ready to save everyone from the dangers in the sky. Be sure to watch Captain Marvel when it comes out. If you need someone to watch it with you, I am sure that I will happily go see it as many times as possible. Be ready for shiny new blue and gold Marvel logo and discover what makes HER a HERo.


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